Learning Business from Narcos & Pablo Escobar
I absolutely love Narcos. From watching the latest Narcos Mexico series I kept thinking that there is a business learning from all of this. So I thought I’d share what I have learned about business from Pablo Escobar. Miguel Felix Gallardo, El Chapo and friends.
1) Play Chess and not Checkers. Be strategic and think 5 moves ahead.
2) Partnerships can take you to the next level. Think win-win (like Stephen Covey says).
3) Sometimes you need to go slower in the short term to go further in the long run.
4) Business is ruthless. Sometimes the landscape is not fair. Grit your teeth and deal with it.
5) Innovate. What is selling this year may not be what is going to sell next year. Think about the next product or service that can bring bigger profits.
6) Take risks. You can’t afford to stand still.
I still have a few episodes of Narcos Mexico season 3 to watch so may be back!